Raphael Kwame Ogoe

Raphael Ogoe (rafogoe) is a Ghanaian American Architect, Artist and Designer. Born in Accra, the capital city of Ghana where he was influenced by traditional daily life that also nurtured his interest in art from an early age. Despite constant pressures form teachers to pursue science and math, he stuck to his passion and continued his training in visual arts.

He received his Bachelor of Architecture and Masters in Project Management from the New Jersey Institution of Technology. Prior to starting his own practice, he worked with some top tier architectural firms in New York. Raphael Ogoe maintains a duel career as an architect and artist.
As an architect and designer, he has worked on numerous high-profile projects around the world, including Museums, Universities, Airports, Commercial, Residential and Custom Residential Homes.

Raphael’s sketch renderings, graphic design, and digital modeling work has been featured in the Architectural Record and Architect Newspaper. He has also been profiled in publications including Omenka Magazine, Flash Africa Magazine and the Ghanaian Spectator.

His choice of art subject might be surprising considering his architectural background, but he believes art influences everything and he applies artistic thinking to the need of each project. He finds drawing and painting more fulfilling and therapeutic. “It is a way to collect my thoughts, ponder on concepts and to express the diverse experience of the African culture and contemporary daily lifestyle in the diaspora”. His work deals with figurative imagery that addresses the ideas of cultural identity and humanity of the African Diaspora.

He is very passionate about inspiring and improving the lives of the youth in Africa by providing opportunities through art exhibitions for the youth while also elevating art appreciation in his home country Ghana.

He currently lives in New Jersey and works in New York.

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